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Brandywine Robotics

Today's hours
Monday - Saturday: 11am - 8pm
Sunday: 11am - 6pm

Brandywine Robotics is the parent group supporting the Vex Robotics Competition (VRC) Vexmen Teams and our First Lego League (FLL) Teams.  We operate out of Downingtown, PA and compete at local, state, and international levels.

The purpose of the group is to provide STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) robotics, educational, scientific, and charitable opportunities for K-12 youth through participation in VEX Robotics (, FIRST (, and similar events/competitions along with corresponding activities.  The long-term interest of Brandywine Robotics group is providing educational opportunities to guide youth into STEM based continuing education and careers.

We teach STEM through competitive robotics as well as stand-alone classes.  This involves programming, engineering, design, and collaboratively working to build our robots.  But that is only half the fun!  Competition gives the students the opportunity to show what they have accomplished and provide an additional outlet to excel.